More Rhoden Murder Poems Shultz Poems

Some more poems I found giving clues about the Rhoden Murders

Also Another one of Shultzknowsnothin:
I told you bout the 401 man
Itell you he was part
Of the plan
He took them all up to the hill
He came to rob,they planned to kill

I told you of the fowl biblue
I tell u 1 dead
Told what he knew

1Year n jail a million
Did they think none would right the wrong?

Protect the man who sit&makes laws
The proof you had didnt save you all
The highr it goes the higher it cost
Too bad that Novemb.was lost

401 man&autoparts guy
Got the call but didnt ask why
Do what your told assemble a crew
Orders from above are just what 
You do
Ties to them all

schultzknowsnothing post #88 which is one of Schultz' riddles posted Nov. 4, 2016. It is as follows:

Connect these dots and you will have your answer:
Non-blood relation
Auto parts
Gathering spot
Prominent business persons son
It is a family of sorts
But no relation
But a family seen across the nation! 
The lines that intersect provide all you need


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