Just the Facts on the Rhoden Murders

The Rhoden Murders took place on April 21-22 2016. 8 members of the Rhoden family were murdered. Here is a chart

Bobby Jo Manley (BJM) discovered the first bodies (2 crime scenes) and is the one that made the 911 call at 7:51 am. She is the sister to Dana Rhoden. She reports she was there to feed the dogs and other animals as she had been doing daily. More on the 911 call on another post.

Leonard Manley father to BJM.

Her brother James Manley (JM) found the third crime scene with Dana Rhoden in it. 3 young children were left alive ages 3, 6 months and 4 days old.

The 8 Victims

Chris Rhoden Sr (CRS) age 40 Ex husband of DR. Said to be the first one shot and had defensive wounds on his arm. Also said to be shot through a door. Was awake. 9 gunshot wounds all over body Body showed more decomposition than all the other bodies. Found in the same home as GR. I believe GR was laying over CRS

Chris Rhoden Jr (CRJ) age 16 Youngest son of Dana and Chris Sr. Shot 4 times 2 times though the top of the head

Clarence Frankie Rhoden (FR) age 20 DR and CRS oldest son. Father of 6 month old and 3 year old found at the scene. Shot 3 times in the head. Found with HHG

Dana Rhoden (DR) Age 37 Ex wife of CRS sister to BJM and daughter of LM (Leanord Manley) Shot 5 times 2 times in the head

Gary Rhoden (GR) age 38 Cousin of CRS and KR Shot 3 times in the head

Hannah May Rhoden (HMR) Age 19 Daughter of CRS and DR Mother of 4 day old baby. Mother to Sophia (child with JW - Jake Wagner)

Hannah Hazel Gilley (HHG) Age 20 Fiance of FR and mother of 6 month old baby found at scene. Shot 5 times in the head. Baby was found between HHG and FR

Kenneth Rhoden Age 44 (KR) Brother of CRS. Shot once in the right eye. Had cash thrown all over his lower body.


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